Thursday, June 19, 2008

Welcome To My Trolley Hell

If there is one environmental issue that really gets my goat it's abandoned shopping trolleys.

It's the height laziness. For crying out loud, when you've unloaded your groceries, put the trolley back. It's not that hard and you might get some exercise along the way.

So why has this issue got me steamed?
  1. I'm sick of having dents on my car doors from careless people leaving trolleys to roll down hill.
  2. I'm sick of trolleys being dumped in my local creek by environmental vandals who've probably used the trolley to transport their ill-gotten haul as a result of their shop lifting and house breaking
  3. I'm sick of trolleys being abandoned on the foot path hundred of metres away from the nearest shops by people who are too lazy to buy their own little portable trolley.
  4. I'm sure doctors are sick of seeing injuries on kids who have decided to use the trolley as a billy kart or skateboard stunt accessory.

Solving this problem is so easy - lock the trolleys up!

It's can't be that difficult.

Aldis does it, Ikea does it and I've been told that some councils in Sydney and Melbourne have made it mandatory for ALL supermarkets to provide token lock shopping trolleys.

So, why should we do this?:

  1. Reduce visual pollution of dumped trolleys
  2. Reduce pollution caused by rusting trolleys in creeks and waterways
  3. Reduce incidence of vehicle damage caused by runaway trolleys
  4. Reduce injury to people who are accidentally hit by trolleys or who are injured by misusing trolleys
  5. Reduce the number of vehicle movements required to pick up trolleys from around car parks and surrounding streets.

Please join me in my quest to make the streets a nicer, safer place and make the world a little more environmentally friendly.

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